Rabu, 07 Juni 2023

Pidato Lengkap Jokowi Berbahasa Inggris di Singapura, Singgung Pemenang Pilpres - detikNews

Jakarta -

Presiden Joko Widodo (Jokowi) menjadi pembicara di Ecosperity Week di Singapura. Jokowi mengawali pidatonya dengan menyinggung 'siapa yang akan menang di Pilpres tahun depan?'.

"I am glad to be here and on this beautiful day. I would like to take the opportunity to ask you who will win next year's presidential election? (Saya senang bisa berada di sini dan di hari yang indah ini. Saya ingin mengambil kesempatan ini untuk bertanya kepada anda siapa yang akan menang di pemilihan presiden tahun depan?)," kata Jokowi sembari tersenyum, melalui kanal YouTube Setpres, Rabu (7/6/2023).

Ucapan Jokowi itu langsung mengundang gelak tawa para tamu yang hadir.

"Ah wrong speech (Ah salah pidato)," lanjut Jokowi disambut tepuk tangan.

Jokowi pun meminta maaf karena salah pidato. Namun, dia pun yakin bahwa warga Singapura juga penasaran siapa yang akan menang di Pilpres 2024 nanti.

"I'm sorry. I apologize for the wrong speech. Even if I know that all of you are curious about it. I'm sorry. (Saya minta maaf. Saya meminta maaf atas pidato yang salah. Meskipun saya tahu anda semua sebenarnya penasaran soal itu. Saya minta maaf)," tuturnya.

Berikut pidato lengkap Jokowi:

I am glad to be here and on this beautiful day. I would like to take the opportunity to ask you who will win next year's presidential election.

Ah, wrong speech.

I'm sorry, I apologize for the wrong speech. Even if I know that all of you are curious about it. I'm sorry. But seriously, our friends in Singapore know us so well that whoever will lead Indonesia will be focused on turning this magnificent country into the powerhouse and giant of Asia. So everything will be fine. No need to worry. Your investment in Indonesia will continue to be safe and also the continuity of Nusantara Capital City's development. A world-class smart city, surrounded by nature, a green city with 65% forest, the first carbon-neutral city in Indonesia, which has world-class education and health facilities. Nusantara will be a comfortable city to live in and to do business.

I know housing prices here have risen very high. Maybe, living in Nusantara can become an option. Now development is ongoing, basic infrastructure and center of government will be finished next year, using national budget. And for the private sector for early pace, we have prepared 300 investment packages, total value 2,6 billion US Dollars in various fields: housing, transportation, energy, technology and others. Then, there is a question about the minimum population level. Don't worry, Indonesia has the world's 4th largest population. It will not be difficult to populate a world-class city.

And there is another question about incentives. Isi, isilah. I was also a businessman, don't worry, we have prepared fiscal incentives, tax holidays, non-collected value-added tax, super deduction tax, import duty. We have more than everything. Especially regarding green energy and green industry. We will facilitate it as best as we can. Because we believe economic success and sustainability must be worked on together. That is why the first thing we have built-in Nusantara is a botanical center, a nursery center, with a capacity of 16 million seeds per year in Rumpin and then 15 million seeds per year in Mentawir. Indonesia is seriously committed in energy transition. We have very big potential in new and renewable energy. Nearly 434.000 megawatts, 434 gigawatts. From geothermal, wind, solar, biofuel, and hydro.

Let me give, let me give you an example of hydro potential. We have 4.400 potential rivers. 128 of them are large rivers, for example, Kayan River in Kalimantan, that is green energy source for the green industrial park in north Kalimantan. There is huge potential to produce green products from the green industry that currently served as priorities in sectors of industrial down streaming, solar panel and battery manufacturing industry and electric vehicle manufacturing industry. Ladies and gentlemen, what else are you waiting for? Edelman Trust Barometer has just published a survey of public confidence in conducting business in Indonesia is at high level, second place after China. Once again, second place after China. And admit global uncertainty, Indonesia's economy is going consistently above 5%. Last year, we grew 5,3%. The first quarter of this year we grew 5,03%, inflation is maintained at a safe level, on May, 4% year on year. On May 4% year on year. Balance of trade has been in surplus for 36 straight months. Last year our trade surplus 54,5 billion US Dollar. Social political stability has been stable.

Now all remains for you to jump on the boat and join with us together to become a multi-trillion dollar economy. So I suggest you, don't wait too long. Don't just sit and watch. This is a golden opportunity that is very captivating in Indonesia which all of you can be part of.

Lihat Video 'Canda Jokowi Bahas Pemenang Pilpres 2024 di Ecosperity Week Singapura':

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2023-06-07 07:22:25Z

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